Great Math Products!


Multiplication Tricks



OneFinger copy

Telling Time Misconceptions


Equivalent Fractions


Simplifying Fractions


Clock Fractions


Math Fact Motivation


Bulletin Board Ideas


Classroom Management


Lines and Angles

new pictures 387
I get the cutest handwriting fonts at Fonts for Peas!


Teacher Blog Spot is a place where I will share what I have learned and am still learning in my teaching experiences that I feel will help better other teachers.  I currently hold a position as a GT facilitator and work with grades 3rd-5th.  My content will begin to change as I take on this new role.

However, I recently held a position as a K-5 Math Facilitator (Coach) at my school, so my content is mainly math since that was my WHOLE world.  And I LOVE teaching math…honestly!  I am always learning something new that challenges what I have taught or thought in the past (and even more so with the new common core standards).  I will share those learning experiences with you along my journey to being a better teacher.

Previous to being a math coach,  I was a third grade classroom teacher.  When I first sought a teaching job, I taught  7th grade science (yikes!) and then 1st grade.  Now I am entering my official 14th year as an educator which has been a journey with lots of bumps along the way, but they were bumps with rain puddles of wisdom in them.

I know that many people are uncomfortable with math, but I think math reveals so much about us and our world.  Math is more than a formula.  One cannot go too deeply in math without asking questions about life.  For example, how can pi go on forever without ever repeating a number?  Why does this formula work for any circle.  Is this a symbol of eternity?  How can numbers go on forever without stopping?  How can Fibonacci sequences and the Golden Ratio patterns be found in nature over and over?  Does this mean we were divinely created?   I think these questions can be asked to spark a wonder and awe in learning math, which makes math more about discovering meaningful patterns in our world than learning about formulas.  Because of these unmistakeable mathematical patterns and more I personally believe we were divinely created, which adds to my belief in Jesus.

In my non-teaching world,  I am the proud mother of a fluffy, black  daughter (pictured below).  I teach her her lots of tricks and coach her to chase the squirrels.  She never catches one, and she probably never will.  But she sure thinks it is fun to try!

Another one of my favorite pass times is refinishing furniture.  I am currently working on my grandfather’s French Provincial chest of drawers for my bedroom.  I plan on staining it with a mahogany color to match the Queen Anne poster bed someone gave me.

Taking photographs, mainly of children, also tops the list as one of my favorite hobbies!  I recently photographed, or shall I say chased a two year old around for an hour, just to snatch a few good snapshots of his curiosity in motion.

I hope you come back to learn with me in my teaching journey!

Gotta Love me!


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