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Multiplication Tricks



FourFingers with Numbers

Telling Time Misconceptions


Equivalent Fractions


Simplifying Fractions


Clock Fractions


Math Fact Motivation


Bulletin Board Ideas


Classroom Management


Lines and Angles

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6 Responses to Contact

  • heidi says:

    Thanks for your ideas regarding The Learning Carpet…we just went to a Common Core training this morning where the TLC was touted, revered, and highly recommended!

    Just curious…how has your sheet/spray paint method held up?? We were thinking of using muslin (it may be sturdier than a sheet) and spray paint and were curious how it’s held up in the classroom with lots of little feet all over it. 🙂 Thanks for all the great ideas!

    • Ms. K says:

      Heidi, I’m so glad you stopped by to read one of my posts :)!

      Well, I gave the sheet TLC to a first grade teacher because I don’t have a class of my own. The sheet was a bit of an experiment on my part to see if it would work–it did as you can see. I think that it would hold up well, but the first grade teacher I gave it to hasn’t used it a whole bunch this year for me to speck of its durability–she’s a new teacher and I didn’t really explain how it worked to her till the middle of the year. The teachers in 2nd grade have used the tarp with duct tape quite often however and it has held up really well.

      If I had to build a learning carpet again for my own classroom, I would invest in a low pile berber carpet remnant from Wal-Mart or wherever. I would get a larger, thicker piece of cardboard to build a stencil out of too–thicker than poster board I mean since it got really soaked and smudgy by the end of the sheet. I would probably also practice making sure the stencil made the shape I wanted it to on one of those $1 shower curtains from Dollar Tree.

      I personally wouldn’t use a tarp because it seems to slide around more on carpet. Also if you buy a cheap tarp and try to move the duct tape after you have placed it on the tarp, then the tarp comes apart and frays a little. You have to buy an expensive tarp for it to be durable.

      I hope that helps, Heidi. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  • Destiny Campbell says:

    Hi Ms. K! My name is Destiny Campbell and I am an Elementary Education major at Anderson University in Anderson Indiana! I love your math ideas and i was wondering if you wanted to swap ideas (math books, or techniques for teaching a certain area, etc.)! My goal is to make a connection and see if i can help you in some way, because i am sure that your ideas are going to be helpful to me! I wanted to tell you i appreciate your blog and find it very helpful!! Thank you for putting so much effort into your blog!


    • Ms. K says:


      Thanks so much for your comment! I really appreciate that! In fact you made my day. I really don’t know what to trade, but I will help you however I can if you need some help in whatever you are taking. 🙂

  • Jackie Salzl says:

    Hello. I’m interested in your Chutes and Ladders game. Did you make it yourself? What steps did you take to complete it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Although I teach grade 7, many of my students still need multiplication help. Thanks in advance! Jackie Salzl

    • Ms. K says:

      I did not make it myself, but I used to work with a teacher who made it. She printed the multiplication facts on color paper and laminated the sheets. Then she taped them all together with clear packing tape.

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