Great Math Products!


Multiplication Tricks



TwoFingers copy

Telling Time Misconceptions


Equivalent Fractions


Simplifying Fractions


Clock Fractions


Math Fact Motivation


Bulletin Board Ideas


Classroom Management


Lines and Angles

I get the cutest handwriting fonts at Fonts for Peas!

Ms. K

Coordinate Grid Update

This great resource had an update due to a customer request. Someone asked for an alpha numeric version, so that is also now included in the document. I still like the true coordinate grid version best. Check out this popular resource!

Don’t Miss this Deal!

I recently discovered my love for flair pens. I bought a few with school money, but didn’t love every color and didn’t love the price per pen on Amazon. I was minding my own business and found some beautiful colors in Walmart in a “teacher pack”. I really like how almost all of the colors are darker and would stand out on paper for grading or for notes. These were only $9.98

Cheap and Easy Classroom Decor

A while back I told about the decorations I bought from Amazon, but I was not yet at school to hang them from the ceiling. Well, I hung them up with bent paperclips from from the ceiling in an X fashion from corner to corner with them crossing in the middle. I picked the silver circles for the fact that they would reflect light from the window in a fluorescent light classroom. I am still in the process of searching out lamps to make it feel warmer in the room. I very much like the decorations! The children even commented that they liked them! Win! What do you think?

Eeew! Gross! What you should be collecting this summer!

I tend to find the weird and yucky science things to intrigue my students! I’ve seen these before– cicada shells, and collected one, but never had enough to do anything with. Since my students commented one of their favorite lessons was when I taught them about insects, I decided to capture keep each one that I found in the yard. Then one night, I found one cicada shell freshly discarded on my screen door as the new insect had just emerged. I have now collected about six shells! I hope I inspire you to make your own cicada collection. Few things capture studegnts’ attention like living things!

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day from I hope you have a wonderful day!

What Should You Do the First Days of School?

If you are like me you find it a challenge to plan lessons for the beginning of the school year and the end of the school year. For some reason these times of the year are the most difficult for me to plan lessons for and to think through. There is the obvious teaching rules and procedures, but what do you do after that? You can do this. Hit the easy button.

Did you know Super Teacher Worksheets has so many resources you can use for any time of year…even the beginning. Here is a sampling of some of their beginning of year activities…

If you don’t have a subscription, the low price is so worth the cost and a great value. I use my subscription many times a year! At $24.95 this works out to only 47 cents per week if you count all 52 weeks a year. What a steal!

How You Can Decorate Your Classroom

I have been thinking over how I would like to add new decor to my classroom this summer. Last year the “electricity police” came by and told me I have to take down my Christmas lights! I had about four clear light strands hanging from the ceiling from corner to corner. WAAAAAA! This made me sad for weeks. The lights made me happy immediately when I switched them on in the room. The children loved them…and truth be told…maybe I loved them even more. The lights worked so nicely when we watched something on the SMART board since it added an ambient light. They told me that maybe if they were LED it would have been different. I’m not sure if they were trying to save energy or looking out for hazards. I decided to use my creativity to think of something else. I shopped on Amazon and got these beautiful silver circles which I hope provide some of the same effect…I will let you know how it turns out!

I Didn’t Take Home the Class Pet, but I Did Take These!

You would think I must have thrown out the old science experiment which we begin in the fall. If you have followed my blog before, you would have seen our LOVE and HATE jars science experiment. I never threw them out but let them sit the rest of the year. I honestly thought it would make the experiment go awry. Very few kids talked to them if at all since January. I kept telling the kids we would smell them and open them on the last day of school. Very few kids came on that day, but we opened them. The smell was even more pronounced than the original 30 days of experiment. The jars had basically sat in the room for 5ish months. Again this experiment blows my mind every time! What an amazing weapon our mouth is for good or evil towards others! If you do choose to do this experiment, I recommend doing the strawberries because the smell is much easier on the nose. However, the rice shows. a more dramatic visual effect.

So, how could I throw out such an amazing quantum physics experiment! I took it home for the summer. It sits in the kitchen on the floor by a window. Sometimes I talk to the jars–strawberries of 2023!

An Excuse to Go Outside! Teach Weather!

In the warm months children love to go outside while at school. I like an opportunity to take them! Teaching lessons like these will be sure to give you some outdoor time. Warning here…I front loaded content before we got a whole lot of outdoor time. I bought a couple of units on TPT to give me some lesson advice, but after the students got the content, I moved forward from there. After having a silly group of kids the year before, I adjusted the way I let children interact. I will give you a brief overview here to guide your steps.

Teach content. I kept the content I taught simple but left a lot of the content learning up to the children’s research. Using ideas from the units I bought along with my own ideas, I taught the following…

1–temperature and how to read a thermometer (a thermometer journal is a good idea!)

2–what are high and low pressure. We built a simple barometer and checked the pressure

3–wind speed. We observed and recorded an anemometer outside on a still and on a windy day. I had a store bought one, but you can make one with plastic or paper cups.

4–The terminology of the weather symbols and fronts. What do the symbols mean on the maps?

5–Learn what precipitation is. How is it calculated? Build a rain gauge if you like. I assigned this as a homework assignment one year. (start saving your water bottles now)

6–I had children watch meteorologists and how they presented the weather. They had to watch at least 10 forecasts from different news channels. One child said this was her least favorite, but I think it was very beneficial. Discuss the forecasters intonation, hand motions, and public speaking.

7–Next, children made a weather map on state maps I ordered. Most state highway departments will mail you free ones if you ask. (Order them now. It can take a while.)

8–Then I followed some of the resources I bought more closely because I had them write a five day forecast. (students had to have 2 weather backgrounds. One had to be the weak forecast and the other was their weather map.)

9–I had them write a script for their forecast.

10–Last step for the children was to have them film their forecast with an iPad mini. If you can trust your students the iPad videos turned out really nicely. If you can’t trust your group with a little independence (I did this with 3rd grade), you may want to have them do their forecast in person.

We showcased these to parents and they enjoyed them!

What is the Pile of Possibilities?

Since I currently teach GT, I usually have a collection of junk lying around. I especially have extra junk and recyclables when we are working on a project. This would work well for an art teacher or anyone who is making a project with recyclable items. I decided to name my junk container to spark more imagination in the room. It is now called the “Pile of Possibilities” after reading the book the Fantastic Bureau of Imagination.

I recently was introduced to a book called the Federal Bureau of Imagination. This book is so fun! You must read it to your child audience! There is another book coming soon after that called Failabrations! I can’t wait to read it!

I hope these books start the imagination in your classroom also!




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