Angles in the Bathroom?
In response to the poor scores on a recent geometry quiz, I took advantage of the prime real estate near the bathrooms. Students in this particular class pass this area often, so why not put some geometry review in their path? I made good use of a roll of painter’s tape by making types of lines and angles all around the bathroom entrances and water fountains.
The yellow sign below says to identify the figures and tells students to check the answer key to see if they are correct.
Then in an easily accessible place outside of the bathroom, I placed an answer key for students to check themselves
Underneath the cover are the answers…
I had more types of lines posted than are pictured above, but I thought a few of the pictures would give you the idea. I’ve already seen kids looking to check their work on their way down the hallway. 🙂
If you remember from one of my previous posts, then you will remember I have a weighing station outside the bathroom. I also have a location for students to measure their own height with a measuring tape. I still see students stop by occasionally to measure themselves. I had one with a sideways grin tell me today, “I’m 47 inches.”
I hope this inspires you to do something similar with your students!
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