Try this 100th Day Costume…
I already had created my Masked Mathemagician character who comes for a visit at unsuspecting times at school…but I added a little to her this year :).
I had to figure out a way to make the costume include 100 items. So what did I do? I wrote 100 100’s on the back of my Mathemagician cape! To make the plastic tablecloth cape, I found directions on some blogs here and here. Then I started cutting freehanded. When I bought the plastic table cloth, it was so large that if I messed up there was plenty left to try cutting the shape again. The first time worked though. I used two small sticky velcro pieces to attach the pieces around the neck. Here is the best picture of the cape from the back. I know my hair looks a mess from the back :o…I had to hide it in a bun to pull off the whole Mathemagician effect!
It took me forever to make the logo for my Masked Mathemagician Emblem in case you want to use my idea at your own school you can download the emblem by clicking the link.
I placed the sign above at the bottom of my cape. I told the kids that if they figured out the answer they could win a prize!
I will be posting more 100th day fun soon…come back to see!
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