STOP! Don’t Throw Out the Markers!
Here’s what happens. I’m in the middle of a lesson or art project. You name it. Then my Crayola, Sharpie or, Expo marker etc. stops working. I declare, “This marker is going to marker heaven,” as I toss it into the metal trash can. BONG!
As you can see above, I have a whole collection of markers that aren’t in the best shape. I go through these every year to check for ones that don’t work so that they can be thrown away. Now there is a better way!
Did you know Crayola recycles markers? Not only do they recycle their own markers, but they will recycle other markers, too! They will also recycle other brands of washable markers, permanent markers, dry erase markers, and highlighters. They will do this for any K-12 school in the contiguous 48 states. The school has to have a contact person to register the school, though. You can get more information by clicking here. Now, no more marker heaver–just marker reincarnation.
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