Don’t Forget about this Amazing Resource!
Every now and then you have a parent who wants their child to do advanced work or who needs acceleration in some form or fashion. I will say that in times like these, I am so thankful for Super Teacher Workheets. The convenience and value is hard to beat. I recently had parents who wanted their child to skip a grade level in math. After scrambling for a little while to find materials, I realized I had a huge resource at my finger tips with Super Teacher Worksheets. I easily pulled resources that were advanced in math for this child. I love how there is an answer key for all the math pages, too! Give Super Teacher Worksheets a try today!
More than having access to multi-grade level material, there are great activities for back to school such as “About Me” posters and “Getting to Know You” games.
Look! This is free!

Have a great school year!
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