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Do You Need an Idea for Family Math Night?

As promised, here are a few snapshots of our Family Math Event/100th Day of School Celebration!

Students built number bonds with Legos, and got to take a few Legos home!


Students built 10 groups of 10 to make 100 with different small food items.  This was one of kids’ favorites since food was involved!

As you can see in the picture above, this is one of the staff members that dressed up like she was 100 years old.  She said she got her whole outfit at Good Will for $4 with the exception of her wig from Party City.

Students played Race to 100 on the 100’s chart with dice.  They rolled and added the number that they rolled each time on their 100’s chart.

Double dice subtraction is a game idea taken from the Georgia Department of Education resources.

How creative!  This teacher made a multiplication/division edition of chutes and ladders complete with spinner.  Kids loved this activity.

Kids flocked to this booth where they made chocolate chip cookie dough.  Students mixed up the dough in a gallon baggie to prevent mess.  The math was in the measuring cups fractions.  They had to figure out how many small measuring cups to use in lieu of the larger cup sizes.  For example, if the recipe calls for a cup and a half of flour, how many times will you have to fill a 1/4 measuring cup?


We can’t forget the Estimation Station!  The closest guesser got to go home with the jar including candy!  We gave away five jars.

One of my personal favorites…maybe because it was my idea ;), is the 100 scavenger hunt.  Students had to find index cards hidden around the cafeteria.  Each card had an equation, but only some of the equations equaled 100.  If the equation made 100, students could then bring it to the scavenger hunt booth for a prize.


Students used different fruits and vegetables to equal up to a pound in this next picture after first estimating.

At the probability booth students used fractions to predict the chances of landing on a variety of spinners.  Students got to take home their own spinners.

We also had a technology table where students got to play math games on our schools mini laptops.

Moe’s Southwest grill kindly donated tortilla chips for us to have nachos!  And, the church next door to our school kindly donated lemonade!  We also got plastic sacks donated to us from a nearby restaurant so that students had a bag in which to place all of their take home math activities.

The kids went home with smiles!

7 Responses to Do You Need an Idea for Family Math Night?

  • Aly says:

    What materials do I need to do the fraction cookie dough activity?

    • Ms. K says:


      I will have to check on that since it was last year. I can’t remember for sure. I know we found a chocolate chip recipe and bought all of the ingredients for each child to make one recipe. Then we had large bowls set out with the ingredients (such as flour and sugar), several sets of measuring cups, and gallon Ziploc bags for them to mix the ingredients in. When the kids got finished putting all of the ingredients into the bag, they mixed it with their hands through the Ziploc bag. We didn’t actually have time to bake the cookies at school so we sent them home to bake.

      • Ms. K says:

        and measuring spoons and a copy of the recipe to send home, too! Honestly because the time students had to explore all of the tables we had set up was limited, there was no pencil paper math involved at this table. Students had to be able to measure the correct amounts with the measuring tools. For example, if the recipe calls for ¾ cup of flower, the students have to know that ¾ is ¼ 3 times.

  • Vanessa McGee says:

    Hi, how do you play the multiplication chutes and ladders game?

    • Ms. K says:

      The teacher who created this told me…I had to ask (I only wish I could take credit for this).

      She said, “Spin the spinner. Move that number of spaces. Answer the question on the space. If it’s right stay there. If it’s wrong go back to where you were. If you land on a slide and get the right answer you get to slide down closer to finish. If you land on a ladder and you have to go back up towards the start. Slides are good. Ladders are bad. First to finish wins. One could easily change or make up their own rules, but basically that’s it.”

  • Theresa says:


    Thanks for sharing these awesome ideas! Do you have pintables of any of the math games you all used? Our school is in the process of planning for a Family Math Night and I’d love any resources you could share. Any chance you could share the Chutes and Ladders game?

    • Ms. K says:

      Unfortunately, I just organized the event and gave the teachers ideas if they needed an idea. The teachers I worked with made their own materials for their activities. Since then I have moved to a new school, so I don’t have the materials. I wish you the best in planning your event!

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