Happy Thanksgiving with a Quick Lesson!
This year for a quick and easy lesson, I showed a quick video about thankfulness by Kid President. Next, we discuss what thankfulness even means. Children aren’t certain on this I have come to realize from listening to their answers. Next, I have students draw pictures of certain things they are thankful for that I can describe such as these…
Name something you are thankful for
1.that is red.
2.that is in the shape of a triangle.
3.that is scratchy. (usually kids want a description of scratchy)
4.that is soft.
5.that is the shape of a triangle.
6.that you can’t see.
7. that makes you happy.
8. that makes your teacher happy.
Add to these or change them around and make them your own. This is sure to make your students brain juices flow!
Children Will Love this Easy and Fun Activity with their Name!
I had children create name monsters a few years ago, but these are new and improved! This time the art teacher let me borrow his graphite sticks. First have children fold their paper in half the long way. Then have children write their name large on the fold. Then they write over it with the graphite stick, fold the paper back, and rub the paper. This will create a reflection of their name on the other side. Bonus! Children are learning about reflections and symmetry. Their next job is to make a monster out of the shape that was created. Challenge the children to see eyes, a nose, a mouth, a tongue, hair, and eyebrows etc. Then children can color their creation. They all turn out really interesting!
Get Student Attention with These!
I wore these today. As I walked down the hallway, I had multiple kindergarteners tell me they liked my glasses. Looking at them makes me smile, too! I got the glasses from Amazon and the eyelashes from the Dollar Tree. These work great for a lesson on being original!
Start the School Year with this Book!
Patricia Polacco is probably one the most famous children’s authors there is…and for good reason! Her books are so rich in content. There are so many connections that can be made from one book. I just discovered this book a few years ago and it is one of my all time favorites! The book The Junkyard Wonders shows how believing the best in your students can impact them for a lifetime. When you read this to your students, they will be hanging on every word. What’s even better about this impactful story is that it is actually TRUE! I plan to read this book to my students soon to start the school year out. The book can be found in video format on YouTube, you can pick up a copy from Amazon, or maybe you will find it in the library!
Don’t Forget about this Amazing Resource!
Every now and then you have a parent who wants their child to do advanced work or who needs acceleration in some form or fashion. I will say that in times like these, I am so thankful for Super Teacher Workheets. The convenience and value is hard to beat. I recently had parents who wanted their child to skip a grade level in math. After scrambling for a little while to find materials, I realized I had a huge resource at my finger tips with Super Teacher Worksheets. I easily pulled resources that were advanced in math for this child. I love how there is an answer key for all the math pages, too! Give Super Teacher Worksheets a try today!
More than having access to multi-grade level material, there are great activities for back to school such as “About Me” posters and “Getting to Know You” games.
Look! This is free!
Have a great school year!
Gather Your Math Ninjas!
Enlist your Math Ninjas to help pull off this academic feat! Your students will be super excited to help with this mystery. I had students secretly go around the school and place math facts. Students (Math Ninjas) are excited to help place the facts around and other students enjoy the surprise of finding unexpected math to help their learning. This past year I had students create the fact signs and not myself. You can do a lot with this if you have the right manpower! ( I also did this without students during the previous year. Go here to read more about it.